Chapter 4: You are not a robot

Chapter 4: You are not a robot

Toxic culture of "success mindset"...

...and some poison in becoming "the best" at something

There is a common saying that you need to spend 10 000 hours on mastering a skill, to become a world-class performer. It is true. But this is not the whole truth. And how would you call someone telling you just the part of the truth?

There was a car accident yesterday and the driver got admitted to hospital with minor injuries. Would it matter, if the newspaper would omit the fact that he was driving after a few shots?

A true statement without enough context could become "falsy". Our 10,000 hours story is a "falsy" one too. So what are the missing important facts?

What is often overlooked, is that you will hate any practice after 100 hours - if you just keep pushing. Our brain is not capable of doing a monotone task that requires effort to do right.

Your brain would quickly learn how to optimize the effort required and you will NEVER progress.

The upside starts here!

Ok, enough of this negativity. Let's see what we can do now with this new knowledge!

What your brain actually needs to learn and master a new skill?

The human brain is designed by nature to optimize its energy spend. You need to keep remembering this, as energy saving is one of the most important processes in your body.

This organ that consumes up to 20% of your oxygen, needs to really think-twice, or ... think-half, to stay competitive in the nature of things.

Each time you do a repetitive task, it creates a "quick thinking path" that is a good enough simulation of reality to survive in good health... and stops learning.

To learn, you need a variety.

To stay sane, you need variety of inputs

Ever heard about sensory deprivation? Experiments in pools with perfect temperature and water density for a human body to "float" inside, have shown that the brain without external stimulus goes.. crazy. Starts to hallucinate, starts to create various sensations that are non-existent.

Does it differ much from a student sitting by his desk, learning from books for 4 hours straight every night?

So lesson one: provide multiple learning environments for yourself. Mix them often. Stay away from being "bored"! Once you get bored, your brain is back at energy-saving mode and you stop making any progress!

What do successful people actually do?

They excel in certain areas. That is true! And this is often the only thing you see. But they are generalists too.

Did you know that almost all professional sports performers, practice other sports too? It may seem unproductive. They should focus on one sport only. On one muscle memory. Yet the best performers, seem to actually be very good at other sports too!

And they "waste" their time on other sports, instead of just training in the one they are best at!

Let's redefine a good and productive day...

A good and productive day is not the amount of pages of book you have read, or the amount of hours you spent working.

A good and productive day should count how many DIFFERENT things you did that all help you grow in the direction you choose!

If you ever wanted to become a professional in your field, but never had enough time or willpower to stick to some of the big goals you had, you probably didn't provided enough wariety.

A professional "real estate agent"

See also

Chapter 8: "try-hard-blind"

Chapter 8: "try-hard-blind"

Climbing up the burnout hill, here we go!

Chapter 7: The inner, inner self - what really drives you?

Chapter 7: The inner, inner self - what really drives you?

People do change, but do they really? Let's find out

Chapter 6: Why "success-oriented" thinking is discouraging

Chapter 6: Why "success-oriented" thinking is discouraging

The inifinite loop of hope -> failure leads to depression

Chapter 5: Healthy relationship with the failure

Chapter 5: Healthy relationship with the failure

Treating failure as a bad thing and success as a good thing is self-toxic behavior. Let me explain why

Chapter 4: You are not a robot

Chapter 4: You are not a robot

You can't "push" through the work you have 6 hours a day. You need variety. Here is how you can do it.

Chapter 3: Do something that makes you happy today

Chapter 3: Do something that makes you happy today

Self improvement should start with self-care. This is number one step to approach, before you pick up the pace again. Do something kind to yourself

Chapter 2: The Dance of the Day - A Gentle Movement Routine to Awaken Your Energy

Chapter 2: The Dance of the Day - A Gentle Movement Routine to Awaken Your Energy

Discover the transformative power of movement in improving brain function, mood, and overall health. Learn simple strategies to incorporate more movement into your day and awaken your energy.

Chapter 1: Let It All Out - Embracing The Power of Expression

Chapter 1: Let It All Out - Embracing The Power of Expression

"A problem shared is a problem halved." But, there are times when words feel chained, thoughts cluttered, and emotions swaddled in ambiguity.

A Picture of Peace: Visualize Calm with a Soothing Image to Ignite Your Inner Serenity.

A Picture of Peace: Visualize Calm with a Soothing Image to Ignite Your Inner Serenity.

Finding inner peace is not just a nice-to-have; it's essential for our physical, mental, and emotional health.


The idea of blog has been with me for many months before finally making this form.

Personally, I am part software-engineer, part behavioral psychology enthusiast, part entrepreneur with experience bootstraping 7-figure businesses. I've spent most of my life programming computers and running IT projects, but the biggest challenges I found were in understanding the nature of human behavior and its triggers.

I use this blog to capture, and filter knowledge relevant to people who want to start their engines. Their life goals, their career progress, their dreams. Pursuing them should feel easy. This is why we study here.

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